Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Island list

Here's my national species list (all acumulated since November 2006):
3 Cattle Egret
5 Brown Pelican
6 Red Junglefowl
11 Spotted Sandpiper
12 Northern mockingbird
14 Brown Booby
16 Caribbean elaenia
20 Peregrine Falcon
21 Ground dove
23 Pearly eyed thrasher
24 House sparrow
25 Sora
26 Greater yellowlegs
30 Blackfaced Grassquit
31 Zenaida dove
38 Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
39 Brown Noddy
40 white-tailed tropicbird
41 Great Blue Heron
42 White Crowned pigeon
43 Great Egret
44 Least sandpiper
46 Red Tailed Hawk
48 Ruddy duck
49 Yellow rumped warbler
51 American oystercatcher
53 Least grebe
56 Belted kingfisher
58 Black-Crowned Night Heron
59 White-winged dove
61 Snowy plover
62 Caribbean martin
63 Laughing gull
64 Sandwich tern
65 Gull-billed tern
66 Tricolored Heron
68 Willet
70 Antillean Nighthawk
72 Wilson's plover
73 Cory's shearwater
74 Bridled Quail Dove
75 Western sandpiper
76 Muscovy duck
77 Sharp-shinned hawk
78 Green-winged Teal
79 Rock dove
80 Roseate Tern
81 Audubon's shearwater
82 Bridled tern
83 Least Tern
84 Ring-billed gull
85 Sooty Tern
86 Wilson's Storm Petrel
87 Cliff Swallow
90 Snowy Egret
91 American coot
92 Stilt Sandpiper
93 Blackpoll Warbler
94 Red-billed Tropic Bird


Anonymous said...

Hey, I noticed you have Audubon's Shearwater listed twice. I haven't been back to the caribbean since 2000. I hope the future brings me back.
Take care, Sean

tai haku said...

Hey Sean! I'm an idiot. I put the last few birds on the list by tracking back through my sightings posts rather than checking through my notes. Like a clown I added audubon's again and not wilson's storm petrel (I just remembered ticking a dark coloured seabird a while back). Its now been corrected.

tai haku said...

PS hope we see you out here sometime soon.