More excitingly the same news service informed me of a juvenile red-backed shrike five minutes from my house. This enthused me far more than the wheatear because a) it was located somewhere with relatively few hiding spots and should be easier to find; and b) it was a shrike so should be sat relatively proud and hence easier still to find.
Of course it wasn't that simple and after half an hour all I'd found were some delicious parasol mushrooms. I was just about to give it up and accept a second dip in a day (already consoling myself with delicious garlic mushrooms in my mind) when I clocked the bird flitting into a pine. A quick scan shrike:

It was (as shrikes tend to be) smaller than I expected but beautiful in an understated, confident way.

And with that I laid the ghost of the morning's dip to rest and retreated to the kitchen with my mushrooms.
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