Monday, June 21, 2010

learning to fly again...

I'm still here. You may have noticed the blog has sat silent for a while. In fact for the longest time since it started I think. I haven't really felt like writing or sharing anything due to some personal issues which I don't particularly wish to talk about on the blog but which I'm working my way out of the other side of. I'm flying solo again and its taking a little while to relearn how. I'm not alone though.....these guys have been bouncing around the garden all weekend cheering me up.



Julia said...

It's difficult to feel sad when a baby robin is running around. Hope things improve, and thinking of you.

Keetha Broyles said...

I like to come here for your photos of "life."

I rarely comment, because you do so little sharing of your OWN life.

Therefore, the little you said today speaks volumes!

I'll be thinking of you - - - -
even though difficult times build character and stamina, it is rarely helpful in the MIDST of them to be told that.

Hang on - - - forge ahead - - -