Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ceratozamia kuesteriana

Its been too long since we had a cycad post (couple of cool ones imminent though) so lets tick off yet another Mexican endemic; Ceratozamia kuesteriana. This it; a low dense clump former putting out very delicate, fine cut leaves which first emerge a rather nice bronze-orange colour.

ceratozamia kuesteriana3

This is another species which is very restricted in its natural range; apparently its "found in a small area of the Sierra Madre Oriental Range in southern Tamaulipas, Mexico." The natural habitat is mountain cloud forest at an altitude of between 1000 and 1800 metres. I managed to come away with a number of shots of females but no males.

ceratozamia kuesteriana8

The above shows the sort of caudex a mature reproducing plant will have - not as big as those massed leaflets may lead one to think.

ceratozamia kuersteriana6

I hope you'll forgive the leaflets in the frame above - by this point in the day I'd photographed over 100 species, been bitten by a similar number of insect species and was very very tired!

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