Monday, September 08, 2008


Well its been a bit of a bleak week - we've been spared the worst of Faye, Gustav, Hanna and Ike but the outliers of each have dumped massive amounts of water on us. When it rains here, it rains very heavily and we had major electrical activity too. Nonetheless I have scored some wildlife this week. We nightdived friday night but saw very little. Inspired by last year's success birding in the wake of Hurricane Dean I did manage to get out today though briefly amidst the downpours and scored with:
Lots of Wilson's plovers,
a brace of Yellow Crowned Night Herons,
a nice Black-bellied plover;
Cliff and Barn Swallows (Cliff Swallow = island tick 86!); and
a photographable yellow warbler!

So all in all, not a bad 45 minutes work.

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