Monday, February 12, 2007

Sand Angel

We dropped in for our second dive today and found a huge stingray directly beneath the boat. I didn't want to disturb him as there were beginner divers with us who I knew would get a kick out of seeing something as big as they were underwater. An hour later when I returned to the boat at the end of the dive he was still there so I spent a while photographing him. One of the many rules of underwater photography is to not shoot down but I'm really pleased with this one.

stingray angel

I've removed all the colour from the shot above and I think it looks really peaceful. Kind of reminds me of a snow angel hence the title.

After that I crept in for a few close ups. He was extremely relaxed and was still sat in exactly the same place when we left. I'll share a few more pics, including an attempt to show how big he was later in the week.

stingray eye

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ooohh, that eye's trippy.