Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The World's rarest cat

 About 2 months ago, I was sat in a car driving into the heart of Sierra Andujar to look for the Iberian Lynx. It was early in the morning still barely dawn. It was far colder than expected and conditions were bleak. The Iberian Lynx is the world's rarest cat with a global population of less than 300. We were looking for a highly camouflaged needle in a haystack......

....and then I saw something walking down a hill towards the road. I shouted "lynx", the car stopped and this happened.

Sorry the video's not great but it was the rarest cat in the world, it was dark and my hands were shaking. To tell the truth they're shaking now and I can taste the adrenalin again just thinking about how lucky we got.

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