Thursday, February 26, 2009

More coonties.

A nice ground level look at a nice big specimen of Florida coontie, Zamia integrifolia growing in excellent conditions.


and here's a close-up of the male cones.


Like many Zamia coontie form multiple heads on subterranean caudexes. You can see two heads here with a small third head behind the left one.


Here's what the overall plant looks like from eye level - A nice sprawling specimen. As we'll see friday these can look rather less neat but with sufficient space they look rather magnificent.


This is a narrow leafleted form by the way, there are a number of different clones, localities and regional forms of this species, any number of which may ultimately end up being species all of their very own. By way of disclaimer therefore this is one of a number of cycads that are unlabelled in a collection near to me and as such the identification is a best guess based on my own and others' assessment of the plant and the photo's above and so may be best treated with a pinch of salt.

I'm still recovering from my man-flu by the way but this weekend I'm headed on a short little trip that I hope will make for some rather wonderful blog posts.


R.Powers said...

One of my all time favorite plants. I have been collecting fruits from my coonties and probably have two hundred or more to prepare and plant.

Anonymous said...

I can totally understand why FC - I think if I had your climate and land area i would get nerdily obsessive about getting all the forms.