So Dr Isis, the laboratory and domestic deity, and Zuska have requested that the Dr's male readers post images of themselves in their most delightful footwear. Naturally, I couldn't refuse either the good doctor or Zuska. I'm also happy to share my footwear because I'm confident mine are the most awesome and "teh hottest."
You see I fully expect to be the only one of Dr Isis male readers whose chosen footwear for a day outside are, literally, exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art. Also mine are probably the only day-glo yellow ones. Without further ado - behold Bob Evan's classic "Force Fin Pro":
You see I fully expect to be the only one of Dr Isis male readers whose chosen footwear for a day outside are, literally, exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art. Also mine are probably the only day-glo yellow ones. Without further ado - behold Bob Evan's classic "Force Fin Pro":

Joking aside these things are awesome and I heartily recommend them to keen divers (be warned - they take a little getting used to). The science bit is that these bad boys fold with the upstroke of your kick (ie with the curve in the picture above) and push more water on the down stroke - hence you get more bang for less work as you're only pushing water one way. They are also considerably smaller than all other fins - hence I can wander about the boat/tap dance in them if I choose to. They are also very comfortable and I only get donald duck jokes on about 1 in 2 dive trips.....
Me in my force fins. I don't usually wear them with socks/pin stripe.
Nice ... but I think my toe socks are way hotter!
Ah but PiT - I could wear these over your toe socks......
Donald Duck definitely comes to mind!
Nice, but even harder to walk in that Isis'.
My hiking boots are up next.
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