Monday, March 06, 2006


detail of Galanthus nivalis "flore pleno"

After the second world war my grandmother got a job working for a local landowner along with other women who'd been helping with the war effort. One of her jobs was planting snowdrops throughout one of the landowner's woods. Fifty years on the snowdrops create a spectacular display every year at this time and those in the know visit the wood to see it.

Galanthus nivalis

The new owner of the land gave my father and grandmother some of the snowdrops a few years ago and now they are starting to spread throughout our garden forming these little clumps. We have two forms from the wood and have added a few of the other species to supplement the display. My grandmother passed 2 years ago but a few people remember her every time we see snowdrops.

Galanthus nivalis "flore pleno"

1 comment:

Pam in Tucson said...

Oooh, snowdrops! These are lovely. I remember looking for them in springtime around Westonbirt when I was at school there. Found a site through Google that says there are 75 different species and varieties. What a lovely way to keep a remembrance of your grandmother.